
Showing posts from March, 2020

Creativity and New Media

In my opinion, I believe that new media as helped people to be creative and unique in their own way. Just from seeing or reading a persons message or video can tell us a lot about that specific person. Being creative has many benefits such as expressing our true self, promotes thinking, reduce stress and anxiety, gain many new skills and more. I have decided to to upload a video on youtube with the link below which talks about the food in my culture.

HW Creativity

New media has created endless creativity for everyone. We might think only designers, artists, and photographers are the people who can bring creativity to something but when we think about it, it actually is everyone who uses all these different new media technologies.  According to, "these new technologies helped make it  easier to bring creative minds and ideas closer and take those ideas further at the same time. This mixing of technology and creativity has brought innovative new ideas and avenues through which people can express themselves". There are many new medias that help you to be creative which are Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Youtube, photo/video editors, Virtual Realities, and many other programs. We might think its only a few programs that help us be creative but its actually endless. We use Youtube to make different videos whether it's about cooking, funny memes, comedy shows, music videos and more. We use also use Facebook to be creativ

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual reality is a headed mounted display that is created by computers which allows a person to experience and interact in 3D world. It creates such believable experience that allows you to to explore the virtual world thinking that you are actually there mentally and physically. According to there are many ways the virtual reality can be used, such as for training in the Military. "Virtual reality can put a trainee in a number of different situations, places and environments so the military are using it for flight simulations, battlefield simulations, medic training, vehicle simulation and virtual boot camp, among other things". The main advantage of using VR is that it helps reduce the cost for training needed compared to in reality. Using VR exposure therapy also helps with mental health issues such as post traumatic stress by re-enactment of a traumatic event which helps treat the anxiety, phobias, and depression. The main advantage of using theVR here ac

Blog about Twitter

Twitter is somewhat similar to blackboard in regards to having discussion and they both are very different from an actual in class discussion. When we have in class discussion, students are able to concentrate more and there will be less distractions compared to being at home and trying to multitask. We would also have a better understand if we have face to face discussions because we can ask questions and give feedback, and they can reply back easily as well. lastly, having discussions in class helps up to connect with one another and actually get to know them more. No matter how many times we do discussions online, it's not easy actually knowing someone unless we meet them in person. Twitter can also be efficient when doing discussions because we can just write something and it can easily get to wider audience. The tweets help us spread the words around and others can retweet to share it with others as well. The only setback is that when we write something we always

Blog: Social networking sites

The four sites I have chosen are Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and YouTube. I use all of these networking sites at least once a day besides Twitter. I started using Facebook when I was probably in middle school even though at that time it was supposed to be used for college students mostly. Now I mostly use it to keep in contact with my friends and relatives, who are mostly from the older generation. Older generation people seem to like it more I guess and that is because its very user friendly and open to everyone. I use it mostly to share photos and videos, post statuses, as well as see what my other friends from around the world are doing, and commenting on what they post on their page. Twitter on the other hand I have not used it much. I just made a twitter account recently for this New Media class. I guess I didn't make one previously because I don't have a lot of friends that I know who are on Twitter. Since I have made this now, I will try my best to be on it more often b

Blog Social networking

Blog Social networking New Media has helped shape social networking life in an entire distinctive manner. To understand better what is social networking according to Will Kenton it is "the use of Internet-based social media sites to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, customers, or clients. Social networking can have a social purpose, a business purpose, or both, through sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, among others". It helps us stay connected with someone within seconds whether it is by texting through the several social media apps, doing phone or video calls such as WhatsApp or Skype. Not only does it help with staying connecting with others, it also helps businesses to increase brand recognition. One example that I mostly find interesting for me is that before purchasing  a product, I see different social media influences try on different makeup brands to see what they think of this particular branded makeup. It not only helps i