BLOG: Blog v Wiki

What are the differences and similarities between Wiki and a Blog?

In today's networked world, the internet has helped changed everything. Almost everyone has internet connection in a first world country and it is continuously expanding throughout other countries as well. Every individual has the power to share their thoughts, ideas and feelings and more thanks to the internet. It helps society to come together as one, they can agree or disagree to another persons opinions, as well as finding new trends or skills that one can partake in. There are endless things to do in today networked world. 

There are many websites people go to connect with others such as a Wiki or a Blog. To know the main difference between the Wiki and a Blog according to is that "blog is a website that is maintained by one or a team of contributors, which consists of a collection of pages (articles) that are usually grouped around some specific topic. Blogs are generally small, more informal and represent the opinion of the author." Not only does it help share the authors opinions, but it also helps start a conversation between the users and the author. To get a better idea of the key differences as you can see below there are many you can find.

Editorial text modification.Collaborative text modification.
Best used for opinion sharing.Best used as a knowledge base.
Navigation mainly with the help of categories and tags.Navigation mainly through search and in-text hyperlinks.
Most popular engine is WordPress.Most popular engine is Media Wiki.
Contributors may need to know HTML. Easy visual editors are present.Contributors may need to know wiki syntax. Easy visual editors are present too.
Good choice for individual projects.Choose wikis for group projects where collaboration is planned.
Now, to get a better understanding of what kind of similarities  a Wiki and a Blog has, The main goal for both of them is that they are both used in a way to communicate to one another. According to It can be accessed by anyone who has internet connection. No html computer language is necessary for basic looks. It can also be linked to other websites, media's and can insert pictures into it. and lastly, the entries made in the Wikis and Blogs are not always reliable because anyone can type anything and it doesn't have to be actual facts. 

Blogs are very important for collaboration because one example is that it helps any person to grow into a respected business. For a lot of people blogging for fun turns into a potential career for them. So, collaborating with other brands by using their company names or links can quickly grow very fast if a person puts a lot of effort into it. According to another way blogging can be very effective for collaboration by helping to "pull together a new project team can be done quickly, even if your team members are spread across the entire world...blogging tools that lets you get to work with your team, without having to wait on organizational bureaucracy or corporate IT to set up something on the internal network".

There are so many uses for Wikis such as project management, customer/client collaboration documentations, online communities, personal website , policies, FAQ, Guidelines and Best Practices. As we can see Wiki is such a versatile tool that anyone can use. It stores any information from plans to biographies to even recipes. It makes it quick and easy to use for any one. I can't think of anything at the moment that has not been made in Wiki as of now. 



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