Blog about Twitter

Twitter is somewhat similar to blackboard in regards to having discussion and they both are very different from an actual in class discussion. When we have in class discussion, students are able to concentrate more and there will be less distractions compared to being at home and trying to multitask. We would also have a better understand if we have face to face discussions because we can ask questions and give feedback, and they can reply back easily as well. lastly, having discussions in class helps up to connect with one another and actually get to know them more. No matter how many times we do discussions online, it's not easy actually knowing someone unless we meet them in person. Twitter can also be efficient when doing discussions because we can just write something and it can easily get to wider audience. The tweets help us spread the words around and others can retweet to share it with others as well. The only setback is that when we write something we always have to abbreviate because Twitter only has 280 character limit. But this can be a good thing as well because not everyone wants to read line after line for a long time but instead just take a few glances and be done with it. Blackboard on the other hand is very easy to use and simple. It has only the people that are in the group or class to only be in the discussion so easier to manage that way. It doesn't have any character limits so we can write as much as we want. We only have to make our Blackboard account once when we start college and after that what ever class we are enrolled in, it automatically puts in on all the discussions in each of the courses. so we do not have to worry about which discussion we should be in, and which one we don't. Overall, I prefer to use Blackboard because I would like to explain on whatever topic I want to discuss about without worrying about the character limits. Even though in class discussions are more interactive sometimes even if we are in class we might not actually have our full attention to the other person. A lot of times I forget about all the details we discussed about in person but if it is in Blackboard it would all be written down so we can always look back into it even if it was months before.


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