Blog: Social networking sites

The four sites I have chosen are Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and YouTube. I use all of these networking sites at least once a day besides Twitter. I started using Facebook when I was probably in middle school even though at that time it was supposed to be used for college students mostly. Now I mostly use it to keep in contact with my friends and relatives, who are mostly from the older generation. Older generation people seem to like it more I guess and that is because its very user friendly and open to everyone. I use it mostly to share photos and videos, post statuses, as well as see what my other friends from around the world are doing, and commenting on what they post on their page. Twitter on the other hand I have not used it much. I just made a twitter account recently for this New Media class. I guess I didn't make one previously because I don't have a lot of friends that I know who are on Twitter. Since I have made this now, I will try my best to be on it more often because Twitter can be really useful. One way its very important is to hear important news because Twitter has often been faster at reaching the news to everyone compared to other traditional media outlets. It also helps us see other peoples contents within seconds of reading due to the fact of size restriction Twitter has put in, and this is why its mostly popular for. I use WhatsApp almost every hour because this App is very important to me. I connect with friends, family, and school friends by texting each other, sending pictures and videos, voice and video calling and most importantly group messaging. I really like group messaging because it helps me connect with others from any place all together at once. Lastly, YouTube has helped me with a lot of things such as doing many assignments and projects I couldn't figure out. I watch a lot of videos to learn and make new dishes to eat, and also when I am free I usually watch funny videos or any type of movies. For others it can be beneficial as well if they want to upload any video they want, they can even share those on other social networking websites, and a lot of times it is a side job for people that make videos because YouTube pays you for it. There are endless ways to use all these different social networking sites and they are different in their own way but also have the main goal which is to let people connect with one another.


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