
Showing posts from February, 2020

BLOG: Blog v Wiki

What are the differences and similarities between Wiki and a Blog? In today's networked world, the internet has helped changed everything. Almost everyone has internet connection in a first world country and it is continuously expanding throughout other countries as well. Every individual has the power to share their thoughts, ideas and feelings and more thanks to the internet. It helps society to come together as one, they can agree or disagree to another persons opinions, as well as finding new trends or skills that one can partake in. There are endless things to do in  today   networked  world.  There are many websites people go to connect with others such as a Wiki or a Blog. To know the main difference between the Wiki and a Blog according to is that  " A  blog  is a website that is maintained by one or a team of contributors, which consists of a collection of pages (articles) that are usually grouped around some specific topic. Blogs are gener

Project Description

The Analysis of Social Media: Does it have more of a positive or a negative effect on us? By: Nasiha Jerin  Thursday, February 6, 2020 I have chosen to to my topic on The Analysis of Social Media: Does it have more of a positive or a negative effect on us? I believe it plays a very big part in our everyday lives from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. For some it has helped change their lives completely in good ways and bad ways but the question is which one rules the other. As we all know social media gives us the freedom to stay in touch with people when ever and where ever, helps make any businesses connect to customers and be known, but then there is the other side as well, such as anyone sharing a personal document or picture without your consent, someone can bully another person online, and lastly anyone can spread fake news that can really impact the person. This is why I will be talking about the positive and negative side of social media and givin